AVAH is operating normal business. We typically operate by US est hours of 6am to TBD depending on Need. You may submit for assistance 24/7. We will contact you ASAP.


man and woman holding hands on street
man and woman holding hands on street

AVAH Outreach Group saved my life. Their support and guidance made a huge difference.

man wearing black cap with love your neighbour print during daytime
man wearing black cap with love your neighbour print during daytime

I am forever grateful to AVAH Outreach Group. They helped me find hope and healing.

Cagney and her staff gradually helped to stop "Shawn Williams" from taking all of my money. I lost over $40K at first, then it was reduced to @ $36K. He encouraged me buy ecoins, wire transfers, etc. All such purchases can't be refunded. I found out from the firm that does my taxes told me it was lost. Lacey and her crew have remained vigilant since @ 2018.

Joseph G.

Working with AVAH is one of the Highlights when working as a Scambaiter. Vast knowledge of the various types of scams and how they work. Numerous contacts that enable them to rapidly respond to stop scams in their tracks and if it's too late for that they are there with outstanding victim advocacy and are able to aid the victim down the road to recovery

Darren D.

I really like The fact that are people out there looking out for the vulnerable. I do appreciate your time and your hard work. God bless you.

Shane M.

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

 Sharon Roddy

I would like to thank AVAH for the assistance that I needed for me to move forward and place a criminal behind bars where he belongs. I realize that being scammed or robbed; 99% of us don't have the privileges' of finding out the criminals true identity but with vigilance and support I was satisfied. Thank you once again Cagney as well as IRLRosie for helping.

Paul K.